Bio-rad cfx manager 3.1 mac
Bio-rad cfx manager 3.1 mac

bio-rad cfx manager 3.1 mac

falciparum is responsible for the vast majority of malaria deaths and cases of severe malaria. Plasmodium simium is found throughout South America, while Plasmodium brasilianum seems restricted to a specific part of Brasil. In addition, human susceptibility to Plasmodium simium and Plasmodium brasilianum has been shown. cynomolgi may be more common in South East Asia than previously suspected. Interestingly, recent research indicates that also P. knowlesi is the predominant cause of malaria in regions of South East Asia. ovale curtisi, and the demonstration that P. It has led to the discovery of the existence of P. However, the entry of PCR-based techniques into malaria diagnostics has changed this view. ovale, and only very rarely by other Plasmodium species.

bio-rad cfx manager 3.1 mac

Previously, malaria was thought to be primarily caused by just the four species, P. The genus Plasmodium consists of over 200 widely distributed species, of which at least six are now known to regularly infect humans: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale wallikeri, Plasmodium ovale curtisi, Plasmodium knowlesi. Conclusionīased upon the analytical performance characteristics that were determined, the MC004 assay showed performance suitable for use in clinical settings, as well as epidemiological studies. The within-run and between-run precisions were less than 20% CV at the tested parasitaemia levels of 0.09%, 0.16%, 2.15% and 27.27%. A calibration curve could be established to quantify the parasitaemia of at least P.

bio-rad cfx manager 3.1 mac

falciparum and non- falciparum species were correctly identified. falciparum was 1 × 10 –3 IU/mL (WHO standard). No false positive or false negative results were observed. falciparum, including assessment of within-run and between-run precisions. The following analytical performance characteristics of the MC004 assay were determined: analytical specificity, limit of detection, the ability to detect mixed infections, and the potential to determine the level of parasitaemia of P. The samples used in this study comprised reference samples, patient samples, and synthetic controls. falciparum by calculating the level of parasitaemia directly from the Cq-value.

bio-rad cfx manager 3.1 mac

In addition, this assay might be used to quantify the parasitaemia of at least P. Detection and identification of Plasmodium species relies on molecular beacon probe-based melting curve analysis. The MC004 real-time PCR assay for malaria diagnosis is a novel single-tube assay that has been developed for the purpose of simultaneously detecting all Plasmodium species known to infect humans, and discrimination between Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale wallikeri, Plasmodium ovale curtisi, Plasmodium knowlesi (including differentiation of three strains) and Plasmodium cynomolgi (including differentiation of three strains). It has been shown that humans are regularly infected by at least six different Plasmodium species. The entry of PCR-based techniques into malaria diagnostics has improved the sensitivity and specificity of the detection of Plasmodium infections.

Bio-rad cfx manager 3.1 mac